Monday, June 28, 2010

Disturbing Photos from the BP Oil Spill

We all know that the oil spill in the Gulf is a horrific event, enough to make any conscientious person angry. But wait until you see some of the effects this has had on the wildlife of the region. Then, your blood will really start to boil.

The aftermath of this disaster brings several issues to the forefront: offshore drilling and safety concerns, seeking alternative energy sources, and protecting the environment. Take a look at the pictures below. Hopefully, images like these will help get the wheels turning and get discussion started for ways we can prevent this from happening again.

Warning: Some of the images below are disturbing.

But there is hope. Clean-up efforts are underway, and we are all talking about how we can make this better. A step in the right direction!

Check out more pictures at

See this story (and many other interesting ones) on the Glow Images Blog!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Caption Me! Contest #4

It's that time again! Think this photo is just too ambiguous for its own good? We think so too! Come up with a witty/clever/cool/funny caption for this photo! A winner will be chosen and will receive some recognition from us here at Glow Images.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Multicultural Web Design

Here's an interesting article about multicultural web design. Multicultural images and web design are some of our passions at Glow Images.

Check out the article at

Friday, June 18, 2010

The U-Socket (or Socket to Me!)

There is a new piece of home technology on its way designed to keep up with the ever growing portable device market.

It is called the U-Socket. Essentially, it will be like traditional wall sockets, but it will have USB outlets along with standard electrical outlets. This will eliminate the need for adapters in most cases.

Besides the convenience factor, the U-Socket promises other advantages. As an Energy Star compliant device, it is designed to output power only when something is connected to it. This could save you some cash and the reduced energy usage is good for the environment.

There is little question that the introduction of the iPad has increased the demand for such a product. Not all USB ports are designed to handle the kind of power it needs, which has been an issue for some users. The U-Socket will be able to charge the iPad at full speed, according to

Should these catch on, this could eliminate the need for bulky adapters. With houses continually being built to be more efficient and technology friendly, there is a chance that these could become standard installations. The U-Socket can replace any standard wall socket and will range between $20 and $30.

As with most new technologies, it is not without its criticisms. One concern is that because wall sockets are typically placed near the ground, it will make using the devices while charging difficult. There is also some concern about child-proofing the USB ports, although they are generally considered to not be dangerous because they do not produce enough power.
Overall, the U-Socket has potential to make things a bit easier on those of us with a plethora of gadgets. It is hard to say how much they will change things until they get put to use. We’ll see what the market decides!

For more details about the U-Socket, visit

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Make Your Photo an Astronaut!

Remember when you were a kid and wanted to be an astronaut? Well, chances are, that dream didn't exactly come true. But now, thanks to NASA, you have your chance to make this childhood fantasy a reality! Sort of.

NASA has set up a program for people to send their photo into space on the remaining shuttle missions. It is known as “Face in Space”. People can upload their images to NASA’s website to ride along on the mission of their choice. These photo-astronauts will have the choice of flying on either the Discovery or Endeavor. After the shuttle has landed, participants can print out their own Flight Certificate, signed by the Mission Commander. NASA is also encouraging everyone to follow the status of their mission through Facebook and Twitter. So, your dream of becoming an astronaut is not dead. Maybe it’s not exactly how you pictured it, but getting your face into space makes it a little closer. And it was cheaper. Now you can work on your dream of being a professional athlete / rock star.

Go to for more details.

Think this story is funny or interesting? Check out the myriad of other entertaining stories that we publish on the Glow Images Blog every day!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Your Next Laptop: Concept Designs Point the Way

An incredibly fascinating article about new concept designs and ideas for laptops. In a few years, I could be typing this blog from one of these awesome gadgets! Click on the photo below to head over to to read the full article.

Monday, June 14, 2010

5 Gadgets That Will Transform Your Home

In this day and age, it is pretty evident that once we get settled into and figure out a new gadget, it will be obsolete the next day. Many gadgets, and subsequently lifestyles, are fluid, and change quickly each day. This got Glow to thinking, what gadgets exactly do impact our lives significantly?

Funny you should ask, because we found this great article about 5 gadgets that change our lives at home. Enjoy reading about it, but remember, at the end of the day, the best gadget to have at home is a light switch.

Click Here to read the full article.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

World Cup!

We here at Glow Images take pride in our multicultural imagery, and there is no better place to see and support a multicultural lifestyle than the World Cup.

The World Cup is being hosted by South Africa this year, and Glow Images was just curious, who do you think is going to win?

Leave a comment on this post, or head over to our blog at and comment on who you think will win the World Cup, and who you will be rooting for.


“Simplicity is the key to happiness.” – the Dalai Lama

If there is any truth to this saying, then you may want to start simplifying your life. That doesn’t mean giving up all your worldly possessions or throwing your TV out the window. It can be achieved just by de-cluttering a few things.

For starters, you can clean up and organize your social media accounts. Streamlining these will make them much more valuable and much less time consuming. provides some easy how-tos for organizing both your Twitter and Facebook accounts.

Another way to simplify is to cut down on your paperwork. Papers tend to stick around, stack up, and are not as easily organized as digital information. Check out these 5 tools to help you become paperless. Coming into work and seeing your desk devoid of messy stacks of paper will be a reward in itself.

Simplifying these little things that you see every day can go a long way. Less clutter will mean less stress. With your mind free from these stresses, who knows what you will be capable of? Enjoy your enlightenment!

“Get together. Work it out. Simplicity is what it’s about.” – Donovan

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

"Pulling out all the stops"

The 2010 HOW Design Conference is right around the corner, and Glow Images isn't afraid to pull out all the stops to show the world what we are made of. But what exactly is "pulling out all the stops".

The phrase comes from more sophisticated organs that have been used in years past. When the organist pulled out all of the stops in the organ, the instrument would operate at its full noise making capacity. Even though we here at Glow don't frequently play the organ, there is no doubt that we will be pulling out all the stops at the 2010 HOW Design Conference.

Glow Images is super-excited to be at the conference from June 6th-8th to show the design world what we’re made of.

Make sure you stop by our booth to enter our daily raffle. You could win your choice of 350 Glow Images Microstock credits, a 1-Month Print Resolution Glow Images Subscription, or any 3 Glow Images Brand VCDs!

We’ll also be giving away the coveted Glow Balls to participants who stop by our booth. (Your kids will really love these!)

Come see us at Table #2 on Sunday and at Booth #314 on Monday and Tuesday to learn how Glow can help you. Or just stop by to say “Hi,” and maybe tell us about some good places to eat. We can’t wait to meet you!