Tuesday, June 8, 2010


“Simplicity is the key to happiness.” – the Dalai Lama

If there is any truth to this saying, then you may want to start simplifying your life. That doesn’t mean giving up all your worldly possessions or throwing your TV out the window. It can be achieved just by de-cluttering a few things.

For starters, you can clean up and organize your social media accounts. Streamlining these will make them much more valuable and much less time consuming. Mashable.com provides some easy how-tos for organizing both your Twitter and Facebook accounts.

Another way to simplify is to cut down on your paperwork. Papers tend to stick around, stack up, and are not as easily organized as digital information. Check out these 5 tools to help you become paperless. Coming into work and seeing your desk devoid of messy stacks of paper will be a reward in itself.

Simplifying these little things that you see every day can go a long way. Less clutter will mean less stress. With your mind free from these stresses, who knows what you will be capable of? Enjoy your enlightenment!

“Get together. Work it out. Simplicity is what it’s about.” – Donovan

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